authorship$5995$ - translation to ολλανδικά
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Μετάφραση και ανάλυση λέξεων από την τεχνητή νοημοσύνη ChatGPT

Σε αυτήν τη σελίδα μπορείτε να λάβετε μια λεπτομερή ανάλυση μιας λέξης ή μιας φράσης, η οποία δημιουργήθηκε χρησιμοποιώντας το ChatGPT, την καλύτερη τεχνολογία τεχνητής νοημοσύνης μέχρι σήμερα:

  • πώς χρησιμοποιείται η λέξη
  • συχνότητα χρήσης
  • χρησιμοποιείται πιο συχνά στον προφορικό ή γραπτό λόγο
  • επιλογές μετάφρασης λέξεων
  • παραδείγματα χρήσης (πολλές φράσεις με μετάφραση)
  • ετυμολογία

authorship$5995$ - translation to ολλανδικά

Honorary authorship; Scientific authorship; Author order; Journal article authorship; Hardy-Littlewood Rule; Gift authorship; Honorary author

n. schrijverschap; oorsprong van literair werk


¦ noun the statistical analysis of variations in literary style between writers or genres.
stylometric ?st??l?'m?tr?k adjective


Academic authorship

Academic authorship of journal articles, books, and other original works is a means by which academics communicate the results of their scholarly work, establish priority for their discoveries, and build their reputation among their peers.

Authorship is a primary basis that employers use to evaluate academic personnel for employment, promotion, and tenure. In academic publishing, authorship of a work is claimed by those making intellectual contributions to the completion of the research described in the work. In simple cases, a solitary scholar carries out a research project and writes the subsequent article or book. In many disciplines, however, collaboration is the norm and issues of authorship can be controversial. In these contexts, authorship can encompass activities other than writing the article; a researcher who comes up with an experimental design and analyzes the data may be considered an author, even if she or he had little role in composing the text describing the results. According to some standards, even writing the entire article would not constitute authorship unless the writer was also involved in at least one other phase of the project.